Change Log Version 0.5 (August 14th, 2001) - Added EmailNotifier with Velocity templates for the message subject and body - Migrated to Collections API - Replaced "Set" classes with XArrayList - Removed all Action implementations in favor of StandardAction - Added logging with Log4J (version 1.1.1) - Removed icons from menu items - Added IconManager for easier access to icons - Icons are now stored in a library JAR and not in the images directory - Removed bin directory and made JAR executable - Modifying a host's display name or hostname changes the tab display for that host - State change fixed to reduce states to pass or fail - Sentry test loop changed to fast fail v 0.4.2 - Changed Linux share column to a double. v 0.4.1 - Changed Linux lib column to a double (for Red Hat 7.0) v 0.4 - Store current sorting order to configuration file - Added Help menu with User Guide Window - Added application-wide preferences dialog (to do) - Added Sentries and Notifiers (to finish) v 0.3 - Added filtering on user and PID columns v 0.2 - Added sorting v 0.1 - Initial revision